Interesting Concepts And Designs For Condom Packaging

What Are Some Interesting Concepts And Designs For Custom Condom Packaging?

If a condom is a wrong size, worn on the wrong side, or its tip is not squeezed while worn, it becomes significantly less effective. It has the potential to induce pregnancy or sexually transmitted illnesses. Wrong Size Selection: According to studies, more than 60% of consumers select the incorrect size while purchasing condoms. Aside from pain, incorrect size selection raises the danger of slippage and rupture. Improper use, such as wearing the condom on the wrong side or failing to squeeze the teat end of the condom, can increase the breaking rate.

These concerns are addressed by “Love Guide” condoms, which introduce a new packing technique for traditional condoms. They come in five packages, each with a different diameter, so holding the packets readily determines the appropriate size. In addition, each condom is packaged in a specifically customized condom box with a rising tip, making it simple to choose the condom from the proper side while squeezing the tip at the same time. Love Guide assists users in selecting the proper condom and using it correctly!

Simple Manufacturing:
Love Guide solves existing problems by simply altering the condoms box designs, without requiring any changes to existing condoms. The general people would gain quickly from a realistic proposal that can be simply adapted for mass manufacturing.

Simple To Apply:
Each condom comes in a specifically designed container with a rising tip, making it simple to choose the condom from the proper side while squeezing the tip. They are simple to operate in the dark and may even be utilized by the blind. Wearing Love Guide Condoms is more than twice as quick as traditional packaged condoms.

Conventional condom packaging is composed of foil, which is difficult to recycle and pollutes the environment. The Love Guide Condoms case is constructed of environmentally friendly PLA plastic, which is biodegradable and disposable.

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Positive Attitude:
The concept of product packaging in the form of vegetables is inspired by the Chinese proverb "????" which states that sex is a basic element of human nature as much as food, and we don't have to be embarrassed about utilizing it. Using condoms packed as a variety of vegetables is as natural as satisfying our nutritional needs, therefore the act of using them is healthy and natural.

Vending Machine:
Love Advice Condoms can also be supplied using vending machines. Customers may hold the model packages in their hands and choose the right bundle for purchase. The shame involved with shopping for condoms is largely avoided in this manner.

Easy Size Selection:
Customers may choose from five different bundles based on the size of their penis. Each box differs in diameter and color, as well as having a label: cucumber, carrot, banana, turnip, and zucchini. Having the box in their hands makes it much easier for consumers to evaluate which size is ideal for them.

Hypnotic Condoms:
For this project, I intended to design a new brand of condoms geared towards a 16-to-25-year-old population. The issue I was attempting to address while creating my goods was that in recent years, teens and young people have considered it socially unacceptable to wear condoms when having sex, resulting in an increase in sexually transmitted illnesses. I wanted to create a unique and exciting look that will attract people and make condom use more acceptable.

Confortex Condoms:
Bright, bright, and modern — this Confortex condom range is guaranteed to capture your eye on the shelves. The Work Co. has produced a design that is simple to recognize and adopts a positive and entertaining attitude to safe sex with an undoubtedly bold color palette and appealing patterns. Confortex is a well-known condom company that has traditionally marketed its goods through third-party distributors. Following a new business aim, they suddenly felt compelled to sell directly to the final customer, and as a result, they need a brand new image that was final consumer-oriented, as well as a distinction from their expertise. Into part of our work technique, while altering a current brand, we typically adore discovering ‘that something that has always been there, making the brand distinctive from its inception, and transforming ‘that something' as a pillar of the new brand.

DUO Condoms:
A grin was the sole real global language until recently. Communication with people from various nations is now simpler than ever because of the widespread usage of emojis and emoticons. Mousegraphics evaluated these new sorts of languages to establish a language for the brand that individuals of various ethnicities and backgrounds could readily understand while redesigning DUO condoms. The clean black backdrop, white DUO logo, and colorful patterns keep the information simple, eliminating many of the distracting graphics used by other businesses. The typeface is enjoyable and allows the consumer to customize their experience. We even detect a little 70s vibe, which might be a reference to the decade's sexual liberation.

This packing box design makes use of one of the most fundamental and fundamental forms in characterizing each type of condom: a circle. It not only has the capacity to transmit a great deal of information, but it is also the exact shape of the object. Each kind has a distinct hue and has a variety of tiny patterns, symbols, and outlines to not only inform us what they do but also to show us in a unique way. Extra thin condoms, for example, have a red circle with a thinner edge, whereas ribbed condoms have several orange circles within each other. Each design ingeniously and simply shows the product in a way that everyone can comprehend without the need for words.
